What to do against fatigue? 10 valuable tips for more energy

Whether after a restless night, a strenuous meeting or a hearty meal. Tiredness often comes quicker than expected and proves to be a stubborn opponent. But what is the best remedy for tiredness? Here we reveal how you can replenish your energy stores thanks to Ayurveda.

What helps immediately against tiredness? 10 tips to become more alert

You can effectively counteract a harmless attack of tiredness during the day with a few simple tricks. The following 10 tips to combat tiredness will help you feel more alert and revive your spirits.

What to do against fatigue

Tip #1: Acupressure

Perform acupressure by briefly massaging both earlobes with your thumb and index finger and pulling on them several times. After a short time, you will notice that you have more energy again.

Tip #2: Chew gum

Chewing gum increases your heart rate, which in turn stimulates blood flow to the brain. Chewing gum with a fresh peppermint flavor is best for an extra freshness kick.

Tip #3: Healthy snacks

As soon as you notice that you are getting tired, you should avoid carbohydrates and go for a healthy snack. Your body needs a lot of energy to process food that is difficult to digest, which makes you tired. An apple is therefore a better snack between meals than a chocolate bar.

Tip #4: Fresh air

As poor indoor air can be the cause of tiredness, it often helps to open a window and let fresh air into the room. Even a short walk outside will revive your spirits and activate your energy reserves.

Tip #5: Power napping

A power nap is a tried and tested aid to combat sleepiness. Just 10 to 15 minutes is enough to recharge your energy reserves.

Power nap to combat tiredness

However, your nap should not last longer than 30 minutes, otherwise your body will fall into a deep sleep phase. In this case, you will feel even more tired afterwards.

Tip #6: Listen to music

A favorite song that is played loudly and sung along often helps to combat a low level of energy. Music is a great way to lift your mood and recharge your batteries.

Tip #7: Stretching

Especially in jobs where you spend a lot of time sitting down, stretching can work wonders to get rid of fatigue. Stretch completely and stretch your wrists, arms and legs. This stimulates the blood circulation in your body, making you more alert. It is best to do the exercises with the window open and fresh oxygen. 

Tip #8: Cold water

Cold water is a simple remedy for tiredness and will immediately awaken your spirits. Simply hold your hands under cold water and notice how positively your body reacts to it. In summer, a cold shower is also helpful against drowsiness.

Tip #9: Do sport

If you have the opportunity, a short exercise session is very effective against the onset of fatigue. Whether it's squats, press-ups or a jog is up to you. 

Exercise increases your heart rate, which activates you with fresh energy. Be careful not to exhaust yourself completely so that you don't feel even more tired afterwards.

Tip #10: Drink enough

Always make sure you drink enough fluids, as dehydration can also make you tired. In the morning, a glass of warm water will get your body going and banish morning tiredness. You should then drink plenty of water or unsweetened teas throughout the day. 

Tip: The tried-and-tested caffeine kick from coffee is an effective home remedy for fatigue to get you going again. Caffeine stimulates your brain and metabolism, giving you a real energy boost. As an alternative to coffee, mate drinks have a similar effect and take effect around half an hour after consumption.

What can you do against fatigue with Ayurveda?

Ayurveda places great emphasis on avoiding tension and exhaustion through inner balance. The cause of exhaustion is a form of excessive, incorrect or lack of stress on the body, mind and emotions. 

Once you have localized the source, you can get rid of the fatigue with special applications.

Lower your Vata dosha and stress

Ayurvedic teachings assume that the three bioenergies Vata, Pitta and Kapha - also known as doshas - determine your entire physical constitution. Excessive Vata is often the reason for your tiredness, which is why Vata-reducing measures are an important first step. 

Ayurvedic remedies for fatigue

  • Try to follow a Vata-reducing diet and daily routine
  • Drink more calming Vata tea
  • Go to bed earlier and avoid mental activities before bedtime
  • Ask your Ayurvedic doctor to recommend nutritional supplements
  • Warm, gentle massages with oil provide a relaxing effect
  • Stick to a fixed daily routine for more routine
  • Eat at regular times and three times a day
  • Protect your body well from the cold and wind
  • Make sure to balance productivity with the same amount of relaxation

Strengthen your digestive fire (Agni)

Your Agni is responsible for the metabolism in the gut and the production of energy in every cell. A weak digestive fire leads to a loss of energy and therefore to increased fatigue. With the right lifestyle and Ayurvedic nutrition, you can strengthen Agni again and help your body to have more energy.

  • Avoid cold food and drinks
  • Avoid ready-made products and products with poor ingredients
  • Eat regularly and consciously
  • Drink warm spiced teas
  • Use ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, cloves, salt, pepper and cumin for cooking
  • Avoid going to sleep on a full stomach

Make sure you get enough exercise

An active lifestyle with the right amount of exercise plays a major role in Ayurveda. Whether dancing, jogging, yoga, Pilates, swimming or cycling: at least 2.5 hours of exercise per week is recommended. You should work up a sweat for at least 30 minutes.

Get rid of fatigue with exercise

When you exercise, your body releases hormones such as dopamine, endorphins, endocannabinoids, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline. These make you feel happier, calmer and stronger and provide you with more energy for everyday life.

Ayurvedic full body massages

The Ayurvedic full body massage Abhyanga offers many positive benefits for your body and mind. If you are tired due to too much Vata, your body is completely and gently massaged. This gives you deep relaxation and helps your body to detoxify.

Combined with a forehead oil pouring, it is an excellent way to center and calm your mind . The treatment is also said to have a rejuvenating effect on the variability of the heart rate. The effect lasts for up to a week, which is why regular use is recommended.

Causes of fatigue in everyday life

Fatigue has numerous causes and can be of both physical and psychological origin. Your body wants to signal to you that you are struggling with a deficit, such as a lack of sleep, oxygen or fluids. In addition to normal tiredness, there are also pathological conditions that can cause it.

The classic signs of fatigue include reduced alertness and a lack of energy and drive. Depending on the degree, the following symptoms of fatigue may also occur:

  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of powerlessness
  • Headache
  • Concentration disorders
  • Perceptual disorders
  • Irritability
  • Slight feeling of intoxication
  • Disinhibition
  • Freeze
  • Hallucinating

Physical causes of fatigue

Persistent tiredness has a negative impact on your mood in the long term and raises the question of the cause. There are numerous possible reasons why you are tired quickly or often. The most common physical causes of tiredness include

  • Insufficient sleep

Too little sleep at night leads to tiredness during the day in the long term. For an average adult, 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night is recommended. It is best to orient yourself to the right amount of sleep based on your Ayurvedic constitution and your internal clock.

  • Wrong diet

Another reason for tiredness - especially around lunchtime - is an incorrect or poor diet. Make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet and take into account the requirements of your constitution. 

Instead of heavy food, try to eat light meals in small portions. This will help you avoid the so-called soup coma after a meal.

  • Wrong amount of exercise

Too little exercise is just as bad for you as too much. If you sit a lot in your job or everyday life, the lack of exercise can quickly lead to tiredness. The easiest way to wake up again is through exercise - a brisk 20-minute walk works wonders.

However, too much sport or very hard work is just as tiring. If your body lacks the necessary time to regenerate, fatigue sets in. Listlessness, sore muscles or a noticeable stagnation in your performance are possible consequences. Frequent illnesses can also be a consequence of too much physical exertion.

  • External circumstances and illnesses

In addition to the factors already mentioned, special circumstances or situations can also be the reason for tiredness. These include, for example, pregnancy, infections or hot weather. In these cases, there is little you can do to combat fatigue other than consciously rest.

Relaxation helps with fatigue

In the case of illness, tiredness can be a side effect of medication that you may have to take. Other causes of tiredness:

  • Stress
  • Taking medication (e.g. pill, allergy medication)
  • Certain toxins from the environment
  • Drug withdrawal
  • Strong alcohol intoxication
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Menopause
  • Heat / cold
  • Poor indoor air
  • Overweight

Psychological causes of fatigue

In addition to physical tiredness, psychological factors can also contribute to you being tired. Grief, stress or a personal crisis can lead to exhaustion. In such cases, give yourself the rest you need. Whether this is during a walk or at the theater varies from person to person.

Mental illnesses such as depression, burnout or anxiety disorders are also often accompanied by fatigue. Your overburdened psyche, mind and body then react with fatigue. In such cases, it is best to seek professional advice, as self-imposed measures are no longer sufficient.

Permanently tired: then you should see a doctor

If the above tips have no effect in everyday life and the fatigue persists for a long time, then you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor or a doctor of conventional medicine. At the latest if it is restricting you in your everyday life and your job.

It can be helpful to document your tiredness in a diary. This allows the causes to be identified and treated more quickly.

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Tips for more energy in everyday life

More energy in everyday life with Ayurveda

Would you like to gain more energy in your everyday life in a healthy and long-term way, in harmony with nature and your constitution? Then read on for 10 tips for more energy in everyday life.

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